Cable type Cable type of the interface, 100 ohm balanced in
this sample output
Frame-format Frame format configured on the interface: ESF or
fdl FDL format: ANSI, ATT, or none
Line code AMI or B8ZS
Source Clock Source clock used by the interface: master for the
internal clock or slave for the line clock
Data-coding Normal or inverted
Idle code 7e or ff
Itf type Type of interframe filling tag: 7e or ff
Itf number Number of interframe filling tags
Loop back Loopback setting on the interface: local, payload,
remote, or not set
Alarm State Alarm state
Receiver alarm state Type of received alarm: none, LOS, LOF, RAI, or AIS
Transmitter is sending remote alarm. Type of transmitted alarm: RAI, or none
Pulse density violation detected The detected pulse density is incompliant with the
SendLoopCode History:
inband-llb-up:0 times,
inband-llb-down:0 times.
fdl-ansi-llb-up:0 times,
fdl-ansi-llb-down:0 times.
fdl-ansi-plb-up:0 times,
fdl-ansi-plb-down:0 times
History of loopback code sending to the far-end,
including the number of transmissions for each
type of code, and the type of the last sent code.
(See “ft1 sendloopcode” on page 251.)
BERT state:(stopped, not completed) BERT state: completed, stopped (administratively
stopped), or running.
Test pattern: 2^15, Status: Not Sync,
Sync Detected: 0
Test pattern in use, 2^15 in this sample output;
synchronization state, and the number of detected
Time: 0 minute(s), Time past: 0 minute(s) The duration of the BERT test and the time that has
Bit Errors (since test started) Number of bit errors received since the start of the
BERT test
Bits Received (since test started) Number of bits received since the start of the BERT
Bit Errors (since latest sync) Number of bit errors received since the last
Bits Received (since latest sync) Number of bits received since last synchronization
Historical Statistics: Historical statistics
Last clearing of counters: Never Counter clearing records
Table 20 Description on the fields of the display ft1 serial command
Field Description