Parameter inbound-packets: Counts the incoming IP packets denied by the firewall on the
current interface.
outbound-packets: Counts the outgoing IP packets denied by the firewall on the
current interface.
Description Use the
ip count firewall-denied command to count the IP packets denied by
the firewall on the current interface.
Use the
undo ip count firewall-denied command to restore the default.
By default, IP packets denied by the firewall are not counted.
Information about counted firewall-denied IP packets is stored in the
firewall-denied table.
Example # Count the outgoing IP packets denied by the firewall on Ethernet1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ip count firewall-denied outbound-packets
# Specify not to count the outbound IP packets denied by the firewall on
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] undo ip count firewall-denied outbound-packets
ip count inbound-packets
Syntax ip count inbound-packets
undo ip count inbound-packets
View Interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
ip count inbound-packets command to count incoming IP packets on
the current interface.
Use the
undo ip count inbound-packets command to restore the default.
By default, incoming IP packets on the interface are not counted.
After you execute the ip count inbound-packets command in interface view, the
incoming IP packets are stored in the exterior or interior table, depending on
whether they match the IP accounting rules.