<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] sendbuf bufsize 200
sendbuf threshold
Syntax sendbuf threshold value
undo sendbuf threshold
View Terminal template view
Parameters value: Threshold of terminal send buffer, in bytes, ranging 50 to 2,048.
Description Use the
sendbuf threshold command to set the threshold of the terminal send
Use the
undo sendbuf threshold command to cancel the configured threshold
of the terminal send buffer.
By default, no threshold is configured.
The send buffer is used to store the data that the router is to send to the terminal.
The threshold specifies the maximum data in bytes that the send buffer can store.
Example # Set the terminal send buffer threshold to 1,000 bytes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] sendbuf threshold 1000
Syntax tcp { keepalive time count | nodelay | recvbuf-size recvsize | sendbuf-size sendsize }
undo tcp { keepalive | nodelay | recvbuf-size | sendbuf-size }
View Terminal template view
Parameters keepalive time count: Sets the parameters for sending TCP keepalives. time
indicates the interval for sending keepalives, in seconds, ranging 10 to 7,200.
count indicates the keepalive retransmission times, ranging 1 to 100.
nodelay: Specifies not to use the TCP Nagle algorithm, that is, no TCP delay.
recvbuf-size recvsize: TCP receive buffer size, in bytes, ranging 512 to 16,384.
sendbuf-size sendsize: TCP send buffer size, in bytes, ranging 512 to 16,384.