Description Use the x25 call-facility command to set user options for an X.25 interface.
After an option is set, all X.25 calls from the X.25 interface will carry the relevant
information field in call packet.
Use the
undo x25 call-facility command to delete the set option.
By default, no facility is set.
The user facilities set via this command are available for all the calls originating
from this X.25 interface. You can also use the optional parameter option of the
x25 map command to set user facility option for the X.25 call originating from a
specific address map. What’s more, the priority of user facility configured with the
x25 map command is higher than that configured with the x25 call-facility
Related command: x25 map, x25 modulo.
Example # Specify the flow control parameter negotiation with the peer end for the calls
from the X.25 interface serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 call-facility packet-size 512 512
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 call-facility window-size 5 5
x25 cug-service
Syntax x25 cug-service [ incoming-access | outgoing-access | suppress { all | preferential }]
undo x25 cug-service
View Interface view
Parameter incoming-access: Incoming access policy.
outgoing-access: Outgoing access policy.
suppress all: Suppresses all. If the incoming packet contains CUG facility, delete
the CUG facility and process the call. It does not apply to outgoing call.
suppress preferential: Processes only the calls configured with preference rule.
Carries out the window size negotiation when initiating calls
from the X.25 interface. Window size negotiation is a part of
flow control parameter negotiation. It needs two parameters:
input window size and output window size. When the modulo
is 8, the size is in the range 1 to 7; when the modulo is 128, it is
in the range 1 to 127.
Table 65 Description on the user facility option
Option Description