Normally, the maximum receiving packet length is equivalent to the maximum
sending packet. Unless access ISP allows, do not configure these two parameters
with different values.
Example # Set the maximum receiving packet length and maximum sending packet length
on X.25 interface Serial 2/0 to 256 bytes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 packet-size 256 256
x25 pvc
Syntax x25 pvc pvc-number protocol-type protocol-address x121-address x.121-address
[ option ]
undo x25 pvc pvc-number
View Interface view
Parameter pvc-number: PVC number, in the range 1 to 4095 (inclusive), and must be in the
PVC channel range.
protocol-type: Upper-layer protocol carried over the permanent virtual circuit,
which may be IP (indicating that the upper-layer network protocol is IP protocol) or
compressedtcp (indicating that the upper-layer network protocol is IP protocol,
and supports TCP head compressing).
protocol-address: Network protocol address of the peer end of the PVC.
x121-address x.121-address: X.121 address of the peer end of this PVC.
option: Attribute option of the PVC. Detailed description of PVC options:
Description Use the
x25 pvc command to configure a PVC route.
Use the
undo x25 pvc command to delete a PVC route.
Table 67 Description on PVC attribute option
Option Description
broadcast Forwards broadcast packets to the PVC peer.
encapsulation-type Encapsulation type, which may be nonstandard, ietf,
multi-protocol or snap.
compress Compresses X.25 payload.
packet-size input-packet
Specifies the maximum input packet length and maximum output
packet length in bytes, which must range from 16 to 4096, and
must be the integer power of 2.
Specifies the input and output window sizes of the PVC. When
the modulo is 8, it is in the range 1 to 7; when the modulo is 128,
it is in the range 1 to 127.