Generally, as for the BRI interface adopting the ISDN NI protocol, you need to
negotiate or initialize SPID before originate a call. During negotiation, SPCS may
send multiple SPIDs and carry the service types supported by the SPID, therefore,
the router needs to choose a proper SPID according to the local service type.
This command can only be applied on the BRI interface adopting NI protocol.
Example # Set the service type supported by BRI interface to data and voice.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface bri 1/0
[Sysname-Bri1/0] isdn spid service data
[Sysname-Bri1/0] isdn spid service speech
isdn spid resend
Syntax isdn spid resend times
undo isdn spid resend
View ISDN BRI interface view
Parameter times: The number of INFORMATION message retransmission attempts with an
integer in the range of 1 to 255 times, which defaults to 1.
Description Use the
isdn spid resend command to set the number of INFORMATION
message retransmission attempts for SPID negotiation or initialization on an
NI-compliant BRI interface.
Use the
undo isdn spid resend command to restore the default number of
INFORMATION message retransmission attempts on the interface.
On a BRI interface compliant with the ISDN protocol in North America, calls can be
placed only after the SPID negotiation or initialization is finished. The timer TSPID
is started when the terminal originates a negotiation or initialization request by
sending the INFORMATION message. If the terminal does not receive any response
upon the expiration of TSPID, it will retransmit the INFORMAITON message. You
can use this command to modify the number of INFORMATION message
retransmission attempts.
This command applies only on NI-compliant BRI interfaces.
Example # Set the allowed number of INFORMATION retransmission attempts to five.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface bri 1/0
[Sysname-Bri1/0] isdn spid resend 5
isdn spid1
Syntax isdn spid1 spid [ LDN ]