Use the undo silent-interface command to restore the default.
An interface is able to send OSPFv3 packets by default.
Multiple processes can disable the same interface from sending OSPFv3 packets,
but use of the silent-interface command takes effect only on interfaces enabled
with the current process.
Examples # Disable an interface from sending OSPFv3 packets in OSPFv3 processes 100 and
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospfv3 100
[Sysname-ospfv3-100] router-id
[Sysname-ospfv3-100] silent-interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-ospfv3-100] quit
[Sysname] ospfv3 200
[Sysname-ospfv3-200] router-id
[Sysname-ospfv3-200] silent-interface ethernet 1/0
spf timers
Syntax spf timers delay-interval hold-interval
undo spf timers
View OSPFv3 view
Parameters delay-interval: The interval in seconds between when OSPFv3 receives a topology
change and when it starts SPF calculation. in the range 1 to 65535.
hold-interval: The hold interval in seconds between two SPF calculations, in the
range 1 to 65535.
Description Use the
spf timers command to configure the delay interval and hold interval for
OSPFv3 SPF calculation.
Use the
undo spf timers command to restore the default.
The delay interval and hold interval default to 5s and 10s.
An OSPFv3 router works out a shortest path tree with itself as root based on the
LSDB, and decides on the next hop to a destination network according the tree.
Adjusting the SPF calculation interval can restrain bandwidth and router resource
from over consumption due to frequent network changes.
Examples # Configure the delay interval and hold interval as 6 seconds for SPF calculation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname]ospfv3 1
[Sysname-ospfv3-1] spf timers 6 6