oamping interface
Syntax oamping interface atm interface-number pvc { pvc-name | vpi/vci } [ number
timeout ]
View ATM interface view
Parameter atm interface-number: ATM interface number.
pvc-name: PVC name, a unique string of 1 to 16 characters on ATM interface, not
case-sensitive. The name cannot be the same as a valid VPI/VCI pair value. For
example, the name 1/20 is not allowed.
vpi/vci: VPI/VCI pair. VPI is short for virtual path identifier; its value ranges from 0
to 255. VCI is short for virtual channel identifier; its value range varies by interface
type. Normally, VCI values from 0 to 31 are reserved for special purpose, you are
not recommended to use them. For details regarding the value range, refer to
Table 28.
number: Number of OAM cells to be transmitted consecutively, in the range 1 to
1,000. The system default is 5.
timeout: OAM response timeout period in seconds, in the range 1 to 30. The
system default is 2.
Description Use the
oamping interface command to send OAM cells over the specified PVC
on the specified ATM interface so as to check the link state. If no response is
received within the specified time, this means that the link is bad, or too busy that
packets are lost.
Example # Check the link state of PVC 1/32 on ATM interface 1/0, sending three cells and
setting timeout period to one second.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 1/0
[Sysname-Atm1/0] oamping interface atm 3/0 pvc 1/32 3 1
Ping interface Atm3/0,pvc 0/45, with 5 of 53 bytes of ATM OAM F5 end-to-end
timeout is 1 second(s), press CTRL_C to break
Receive reply from pvc 1/32: time=1 ms
Receive reply from pvc 1/32: time=1 ms
Receive reply from pvc 1/32: time=1 ms
Syntax pvc { pvc-name [ vpi/vci ] | vpi/vci }
undo pvc { pvc-name [ vpi/vci ] | vpi/vci }
View ATM interface view, PVC-Group view