Syntax auto-close time
undo auto-close
View Terminal template view
Parameters time: Automatic link teardown time, in seconds. It ranges from 5 to 240.
Description Use the
auto-close command to configure the automatic link teardown time.
Use the
undo auto-close command to restore the default. By default; the
automatic link teardown time is 0 seconds, namely, no automatic link teardown is
The terminal access feature supports the automatic link teardown function. You
can enable the function and configure the teardown time in terminal template
view. With this function enabled, if a terminal is disconnected from the router, the
terminal enters the state of DOWN, and the router will automatically tear down
the TCP connection to the front-end processor (FEP) after the specified time
period. If the function is disabled, the TCP connection will always remain.
Example # Set the automatic link teardown time to 10 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] auto-close 10
Syntax auto-link time
undo auto-link
View Terminal template view
Parameters time: Automatic link establishment time, in seconds. It ranges from 5 to 240.
Description Use the
auto-link command to configure the automatic link establishment time.