code nrzi
Syntax code nrzi
undo code
View Synchronous serial interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
code nrzi command to set the digital signal coding format to
none-return-to-zero-inverse (NRZI) on the synchronous serial interface.
Use the
undo code command to restore the default, that is, NRZ.
Example # Set the digital signal coding format to NRZI on synchronous serial interface 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] code nrzi
Syntax country-code area-name
undo country-code
View Asynchronous serial interface view, AM interface view
Parameter area-name: Area name, which can be australia, austria, belgium, brazil, bulgaria,
canada, china, czechoslovakia, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece,
hongkong, hungary, india, ireland, israel, italy, japan, korea, luxembourg,
malaysia, mexico, netherlands, new-zealand, norway, philippines, poland,
portugal, russia, singapore, southafrica, spain, sweden, switzerland, taiwan,
united-kingdom, and united-states.
Description Use the
country-code command to set the coding format of the modem
connected to the asynchronous serial or AM interface.
Use the
undo country-code command to restore the default, that is,
You may use this command to adapt to the modem coding formats in different
countries and areas.
Before you can use this command on an asynchronous serial interface, you must
first enable the modem command.
Example # Set the country-code to china.