Decode option 43: Original data in Option 43 of the received DHCP
type(DHCPmessagetype) DHCP message type, which can be:
■ DHCP Offer
mask(subnet mask IP) Subnet mask assigned by the DHCP server
lease(lease) Lease assigned by the DHCP server (in seconds)
T1ÔºàT1Ôºâ 1/2 of the DHCP client’s lease (in seconds)
T2ÔºàT2Ôºâ 7/8 of the DHCP client’s lease (in seconds)
server(server-IP) IP address of the DHCP server that sends the packet
dns(dns-server-ip) Domain name server address that the DHCP server
assigns to the client
domain(domain-name) Domain name suffix that the DHCP server assigns to
the client
Boot server(boot-server-ip) PXE server address list that the DHCP server assigns
to the client with option 43
Table 145 Description on the fields of the debugging dhcp client event command
Field Description
InterfaceName: Interface of the DHCP client
FSM state transfer(state1-->state2)
The state of the DHCP client is changed from state1
to state2.
Enabling/Disabling DHCP to CPU
Succeeded in enabling/disabling the sending of
DHCP message to CPU for processing
Notify route to add the default gateway
Notifies the routing module to add a default route
Notify BIMS to connect: BIMS server ip =
ip-address., port = port, sharekey =
Notifies the BIMS module that a connection has
been established
Move to BOUND state in millisecond
milliseconds if no arp reply is received.
Changes to BOUND state within millisecond
milliseconds if no ARP reply is received
Resend Message-Type for enough
times! Wait for rebinding/Wait for
expiring/Move to INIT state..
Finishes Message-Type packet retransmission, and
waits for the rebinding/expiring state, or go to the
INIT state
Table 146 Description on the fields of the debugging dhcp client error command
Field Description
The interface is not ready! The forwarding interface is not in the right state.
Can’t set SO_SENDDATAIF on dhcp
Failed to set the socket
Sending packet with socket failed! Failed to send packets through the socket
Bind DHCP socket failure! Failed to bind DHCP socket
Decoding options field failed! Failed to parse the options field
Enabling/Disabling DHCP to CPU failed! Failed to enable/disable the sending of DHCP
message to CPU for processing
Table 144 Description on the fields of the debugging dhcp client packet command
Field Description