instance instance-id: Enables output of port state transition information for the
specified instance. The minimum value of instance-id is 0, representing the CIST,
and the maximum value of this argument depends on the specific device model.
Description Use the
stp port-log command to enable output of port state transition
information for the specified instance or all instances.
Use the
undo stp port-log command to disable output of port state transition
information for the specified instance or all instances.
Whether this function is enabled by default depends on the specific device model.
Examples # Enable output of port state transition information for instance 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp port-log instance 2
%Aug 16 00:49:41:856 2006 Sysname MSTP/3/PDISC: Instance 2’s Etherne
t1/1 has been set to discarding state!
%Aug 16 00:49:41:856 2006 Sysname MSTP/3/PFWD: Instance 2’s Ethernet
1/2 has been set to forwarding state!
// The information mentioned above shows that in instance 2, that state of both
Ethernet 1/1 and Ethernet 1/2 has changed to forwarding.
stp port priority
Syntax stp [ instance instance-id ] port priority priority
undo stp [ instance instance-id ] port priority
View Ethernet interface view, port group view
Parameters instance instance-id: Sets the priority of the current port(s) in a particular
spanning tree instance. The minimum value of instance-id is 0, representing the
CIST, and the maximum value of instance-id is 15.
priority: Port priority, in the range of 0 to 240 at the step of 16 (0, 16, 32..., for
Description Use the
stp port priority command to set the priority of the port(s).
Use the
undo stp port priority command to restore the default.
By default, the port priority is 128.
Note that:
■ Configured in Ethernet interface view, the setting is effective on the current
port only; configured in port group view, the setting is effective on all the ports
in the port group.