au-4: Gets AUG through AU-4.
Description Use the
multiplex mode command to set AUG multiplexing mode.
Use the
undo multiplex mode command to restore the default, that is, au-4.
SDH provides two payload mapping/multiplexing solutions: ANSI and ETSI.
■ ANSI uses the AU-3 multiplexing scheme, where the lower-order payload is
aggregated into the VC-3 higher-order path. VC-3 plus an AU pointer forms
AU-3. Three such AU-3s can be synchronized and multiplexed to form one
■ ETSI uses the AU-4 multiplexing scheme, where the lower-order payload is
aggregated into the VC-4 higher-order path. VC-4 plus an AU pointer forms an
AU-4. This AU-4 can be synchronized and multiplexed to form one AUG.
When the CPOS interface is operating in SDH mode, you can choose to multiplex
AUG to AU-4 or AU-3 by using the multiplex mode command. When the CPOS
interface is operating in SONET mode, AUG can be multiplexed only to AU-3 and
the multiplex mode command is invalid in this case.
Related command: frame-format.
Example # In SDH mode, multiplex AUG to AU-3.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller cpos 1/0
[Sysname-Cpos1/0] frame-format sdh
[Sysname-Cpos1/0] multiplex mode au-
Syntax shutdown
undo shutdown
View CPOS interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
shutdown command to shut down the CPOS physical interface.
Use the
undo shutdown command to bring up the CPOS physical interface.
By default, the CPOS physical interface is up.
The shutdown command on the CPOS physical interface shuts down all E1/T1
channels and serial interfaces formed by timeslot bundles. They stop transmitting
and receiving data as a result. To bring up them, perform the undo shutdown
command on the CPOS physical interface.