Syntax cable { long | short }
undo cable
View CE1/PRI interface view
Parameter long: Indicates that the attenuation of receiver is -43 dB.
short: Indicates that the attenuation of receiver is -10 dB.
Description Use the
cable command to set the cable type for a CE1/PRI interface.
Use the undo cable command to restore the default.
By default, the long keyword applies.
Example # Set the cable length matching CE1/PRI interface E1 2/0 to short.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e1 2/0
[Sysname-E1 2/0] cable short
channel-set (CE1/PRI interface view)
Syntax channel-set set-number timeslot-list list
undo channel-set [ set-number ]
View CE1/PRI interface view
Parameter set-number: The number of the channel set formed by bundling timeslots on the
interface, in the range 0 to 30.
timeslot-list list: Specifies timeslots to be bundled. The list argument is timeslot
numbers, in the range of 1 to 31. You may specify a single timeslot by specifying a
number, a range of timeslots by specifying a range in the form of
number1-number2, or several discrete timeslots by specifying number1,