Example # Disable ISDN to carry the LLC information element in the SETUP messages for
the voice calls placed on the interface BRI 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface bri 1/0
[Sysname-Bri1/0] isdn ignore llc
isdn ignore sending-complete
Syntax isdn ignore sending-complete [ incoming | outgoing ]
undo isdn ignore sending-complete [ incoming | outgoing ]
View ISDN interface view
Parameter incoming: Ignores the Sending Complete Information Element in Setup messages
when receiving a call.
outgoing: Sends Setup messages without the Sending Complete Information
Element when placing a call.
Description Use the
isdn ignore sending-complete command to configure the ISDN
protocol to ignore the Sending Complete Information Element in Setup messages
when receiving a call, or to send Setup messages without the Sending Complete
Information Element when placing a call.
Use the
undo isdn ignore sending-complete command to restore the default
As for the data exchange performed between a router and an ISDN switch, the
default is as follows.
■ For an incoming call, the router checks the received Setup messages for the
Sending Complete Information Element to determine whether or not the
number is received completely. If a Setup message does contain the Sending
Complete Information Element, the number is not received completely.
■ For outgoing calls, a Setup message containing the Sending Complete
Information Element indicates that the number is sent completely.
If you execute the isdn ignore sending-complete command with no keyword
specified, the Sending Complete Information Element-related operations are
performed when a router receives a call or places a call.
■ In the event that the router is communicating with an ISDN exchange, its
settings must be the same as those on the exchange.
■ Only with DSS1, QSIG or ETSI on interface ISDN protocol can this command be
You are not allowed to configure this command on an ISDN interface if there is still
a call on it. This command can take effect only if it is configured when there is no
call on the interface. Alternatively, you can manually disable the interface by