Message type: reply
Hardware type: 1, Hardware address length: 6
Hops: 0, Transaction ID: 2294688324
Seconds: 0, Broadcast flag: 0
Client IP address: Your IP address:
Server IP address: Relay agent IP address:
Client hardware address: 00e0-fc14-1601
Server host name: Not Configured, Boot file name: Not Configured
DHCP message type: DHCP Ack
*0.279172 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
DhcpServer: Send DHCPACK to 00e0.fc14.1601-Vlan-interface2 Offer IP=> 22.0.0
.2 via
// Sending a DHCP-ACK message
debugging dhcp relay
Syntax debugging dhcp relay { all | error | event | packet [ client mac mac-address ] }
undo debugging dhcp relay { all | error | event | packet [ client mac mac-address ] }
View User view
Default Level 1: Monitor level
Parameters all: All types of debugging for DHCP relay agent.
error: DHCP relay agent error debugging.
event: DHCP relay agent event debugging.
packet: DHCP relay agent packet debugging.
client mac mac-address: Debugging for packets that the DHCP relay agent
forwards for a specific DHCP client. mac-address is the MAC address of the DHCP
client, in the format of H-H-H.
Description Use the
debugging dhcp relay command to enable DHCP relay agent
Use the
undo debugging dhcp relay command to disable DHCP relay agent
By default, DHCP relay agent debugging is disabled.
Table 141 Description on the fields of the debugging dhcp relay packet command
Field Description
RX/TX, Message-Type, interface
Receiving or forwarding the message of the
Message-Type type through the interface
Message type: MessageType Content of the first byte in the DHCP message, that is,
the DHCP message type, request or reply.