display mld group
Syntax display mld group [ ipv6-group-address | interface interface-type interface-number ]
[ static | verbose ]
View Any view
Parameter ipv6-group-address: MLD multicast group address, in the range of FFxy::/16
(excluding FFx0::/16, FFx1::/16, FFx2::/16, and FF0y::), where x and y represent any
hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to F.
interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the information of MLD
multicast groups on the specified interface.
static: Displays the information of statically joined MLD multicast groups.
verbose: Displays detailed information of MLD multicast groups.
Description Use the
display mld group command to view information of MLD multicast
Note that:
■ If you do not specify an IPv6 multicast group address, this command will display
the MLD information of all the multicast groups.
■ If you do not specify interface-type interface-number, this command will
display the MLD multicast group information on all the interfaces.
■ If you do not specify the static keyword, the information of only dynamically
joined MLD groups will be displayed.
Example # View the detailed information of dynamically joined MLD multicast groups on all
<Sysname> display mld group verbose
Interface group report information
Total 1 MLD Groups reported
Group: FF03::101
Uptime: 00:01:46
Expires: 00:01:30
Last reporter: FE80::10
Last-listener-query-counter: 0