<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp timer-factor 7
stp transmit-limit
Syntax stp transmit-limit packet-number
undo stp transmit-limit
View Ethernet interface view, port group view
Parameters packet-number: Maximum number of MSTP packets that the port can send within
each hello time, namely the maximum transmission rate of the port, in the range
of 1 to 255.
Description Use the
stp transmit-limit command to set the maximum transmission rate of a
port or a group of ports.
Use the
undo stp transmit-limit command to restore the maximum
transmission rate of a port or a group of ports to the default setting.
By default, the maximum transmission rate of all ports of the device is 10.
Note that:
■ Configured in Ethernet interface view, the setting is effective on the current
port only; configured in port group view, the setting is effective on all the ports
in the port group.
■ A larger maximum transmission rate value represents more MSTP packets that
the port will send within each hello time, but this means that more device
resources will be used. An appropriate maximum transmission rate setting can
prevent MSTP from using an excessive bandwidth resource during network
topology instability.
Examples # Set the maximum transmission rate of port Ethernet 1/1 to 5.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/1] stp transmit-limit 5
vlan-mapping modulo
Syntax vlan-mapping modulo modulo
View MST region view
Parameters modulo: Modulo value, in the range of 1 to 15.