display fr statistics
Syntax display fr statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and
number. This interface must be a main interface.
Description Use the
display fr statistics command to display current frame relay statistics
about received and transmitted packets for the specified or all interfaces.
You may use this command to check frame relay traffic statistics and diagnose
Example # Display frame relay statistics about received and transmitted packets.
<Sysname> display fr statistics
Frame relay packet statistics for interface Serial2/0 (DTE)
in packets = 84, in bytes = 1333
out packets = 92, out bytes = 1217
discarded in packets = 13, discarded out packets = 0
Frame relay packet statistics for interface Serial2/0.1 (DCE)
in packets = 0, in bytes = 0
out packets = 0, out bytes = 0
discarded in packets = 0, discarded out packets = 0
Table 47 Description on the fields of the display fr pvc-info command
Field Description
PVC statistics for interface Serial2/0 (DTE,
physical UP)
Display information about PVCs on the frame relay
interface Serial 2/0. The interface operates in as a
DTE. The physical state of the interface is up.
DLCI = 100, USAGE = UNUSED (0000),
INTERFACE = Serial2/0
DLCI 100 was assigned to the PVC through
negotiation of LMI with DCE end. Its state is
unused, and it belongs to interface Serial 2/0.
create time = 2000/04/01 23:55:39,
status = active
Date and time creating the PVC and the state of
the PVC
in BECN = 0, in FECN = 0 Received BECNs and FECNs
in packets = 0, in bytes = 0 Received frames and bytes
out packets = 0, out bytes = 0 Transmitted frames and bytes
Table 48 Description on the fields of the display fr statistics command
Field Description
Frame relay packet statistics for interface Serial2/0
Display frame relay packet statistics for
the interface Serial 2/0, which
operates as a DTE.
in packets = 84, in bytes = 1333 Received packets and bytes
out packets = 92, out bytes = 1217 Transmitted packets and bytes
discarded in packets = 13, discarded out packets = 0 Dropped incoming/outgoing packets