AS0 (DS) LS0(US)
Rate(Bytes): 238 26
Rate(kbps): 7616 832
Latency: Intlv Intlv
FEC(fast): 0 0
S/D/R(Inlv): 1/64/16 8/8/16
DMT Bits Allocation Per Bin (Up/Down Bits:249/2148)
display dsl status
Syntax display dsl status interface atm interface-number
View Any view
Parameter interface-number: Specifies a DSL interface to view the status information about.
Description Use the
display dsl status command to display the status information of a
specified DSL interface.
Example # Display the status information of the ADSL interface ATM 2/0.
<Sysname> display dsl status interface atm 2/0
Line Status: Loss Of Signal
Training Status: Idle
Active Params Near End Far End
Standard: G.dmt G.dmt
SNR (dB): 0.0 0.0
Attn(dB): 0.0 0.0
Pwr(dBm): 0.0 0.0
Table 4 Description on the fields of the display dsl configuration command
Field Description
Line Params Set by User Line parameters at ATU-R end, such as Standard, DMT
Mode, Framing, and Trellis Coding. Among these
parameters, you can only modify Standard for test or
diagnosis, but not the others.
The following information appears after the line is activated.
Actual Config Real operating parameters after the line is activated
Rate(kbps) Negotiation rate in kbps, with AS0 (DS) for the downlink
and LS0 (US) for the uplink
Latency Latency mode: Fast or Interleave
DMT Bits Allocation Per Bin Bits allocated to and carried by each bin.