resetting the idle-timeout timer if a link is present, or drops it without
originating calls for link setup if no link is present.
For DCC to send packets normally, you must configure a dial ACL and associate it
with the concerned dial interface (physical or dialer) by using the dialer-group
If no dial ACL is configured for the dialer access group associated with a dial
interface, DCC will drop received packets on the interface as uninteresting ones.
Related command: dialer-group.
Example # Configure Dialer-rule1 and associate it with interface Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dialer-rule 1 ip permit
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] dialer-group 1
display dialer
Syntax display dialer [ interface interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and
Description Use the
display dialer command to display information about the specified or all
DCC dial interfaces.
Example # Display information about all DCC dial interfaces.
<Sysname> display dialer
Dialer0 - dialer type = Dialer
Dialer Route:
NextHop_address Dialer_Numbers
Dialer number 003
Dialer Timers(Secs):
Autodial:300 Compete:20 Enable:5
Idle:120 Wait-for-Carrier:60
Total Channels:1 Free Channels:1
Table 31 Description on the fields of the display dialer command
Field Description
dialer type Type of dial interface, dialer or physical
NextHop address Remote address associated with a dialer route on the interface
Dialer Number Dial string for the remote IP address
Dialer Timers(Secs) DCC timers
Auto-dial Timer set by the dialer timer autodial command
Compete Timer set by the dialer timer compete command