IPv6 IS-IS supports all the features of IPv4 IS-IS except that it advertises IPv6 routing
information instead. This document describes only IPv6 IS-IS exclusive commands.
Refer to “IS-IS Configuration Commands” on page 1037 for other IS-IS
configuration commands.
display isis route ipv6
Syntax display isis route ipv6 [[level-1 | level-2 ] | verbose ]* [ process-id ]
View Any view
Parameters verbose: Displays detailed IPv6 IS-IS routing information.
process-id: IS-IS process ID, in the range 1 to 65535.
level-1: Display Level-1 IPv6 IS-IS routes only.
level-2: Displays Level-2 IPv6 IS-IS routes only.
If no level is specified, both Level-1 and Level-2 (namely Level-1-2) routing
information will be displayed.
Description Use the
display isis route ipv6 command to display IPv6 IS-IS routing
Examples # Display IPv6 IS-IS routing information.
<Sysname> display isis route ipv6
Route information for ISIS(1)
ISIS(1) IPv6 Level-1 Forwarding Table
Destination: 2001:1:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : R/L/- Cost : 20
Next Hop : FE80::200:5EFF:FE64:8905 Interface: Eth0/1/0
Destination: 2001:2:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : D/L/- Cost : 10
Next Hop : Direct Interface: Eth0/1/0
Flags: D-Direct, R-Added to RM, L-Advertised in LSPs, U-Up/Down Bit Set
ISIS(1) IPv6 Level-2 Forwarding Table
Destination: 2001:1:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : -/-/- Cost : 20
Destination: 2001:2:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : D/L/- Cost : 10