Description Use the arp source-suppression limit command to set the maximum number
of packets with the same source IP address but unresolvable destination IP
addresses that a port can receive in five seconds.
Use the
undo arp source-suppression limit command to restore the default
value, which is 10.
Related command: display arp source-suppression.
Example # Set to 100 the maximum number of packets with the same source address but
unresolvable destination IP addresses that a port can receive in five seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] arp source-suppression limit 100
display arp source-suppression
Syntax display arp source-suppression
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display arp source-suppression command to display information
about the current ARP source suppression configuration.
Example # Display information about the current ARP source suppression configuration.
<Sysname> display arp source-suppression
ARP source suppression is enabled
Current suppression limit: 100
Current cache length: 16
Table 125 Description on fields of display arp source-suppression
Field Description
ARP source suppression is
The ARP source suppression function is enabled.
Current suppression limit Maximum number of packets with the same source IP
address but unresolvable IP addresses that the device can
receive in five seconds
Current cache length Size of cache used to record source suppression information