# Remove the alarm table entry with the index of 15.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] undo rmon alarm 15
rmon event
Syntax rmon event entry-number [ description string ] { log | log-trap log-trapcommunity |
none | trap trap-community } [ owner text ]
undo rmon event entry-number
View System view
Parameter entry-number: Event entry index, in the range 1 to 65,535.
description string: Event description, a string of 1 to 127 characters.
log: Logs the event when it occurs.
log-trap log-trapcommunity: Log and trap events. The system records the log
information and sends a trap when the event occurs. log-trapcommunity indicates
the community name of the network management station that receives trap
messages, a string of 1 to 127 characters.
none: Performs no action when the event occurs.
trap trap-community: Trap event. The system sends a trap with the community
name being trap-community when the event occurs. trap-community represents
the community name of the network management station that receives trap
message, a string of 1 to 127 characters.
owner text: Owner of the entry, a string of 1 to 127 characters. It is case sensitive
and space is supported.
Description Use the
rmon event command to create an entry in the RMON event table.
Use the undo rmon event command to remove a specified entry from the
RMON event table.
When an event is triggered by its associated alarm in the alarm table, the event
group allows you to log it, send a trap, do both, or do neither at all. This helps
control the generation and notification of events.
■ When you create an entry, if the values of the specified event description
(description string), event type (log, trap, logtrap or none), and community
name (trap-community or log-trapcommunity) are identical to those of the
existing event entry, the system considers their configurations the same and the
creation fails.
■ You can create up to 60 alarm entries.