U:Useable G:Gateway H:Host B:Blackhole D:Dynamic S:Static
R:Reject L:Generated by ARP or ESIS
Destination/Mask Nexthop Flag TimeStamp Interface Token U t[1150900568] Eth1/0 invalid
display fib ip-address
Syntax display fib ip-address1 [{mask1 | mask-length1 } [ ip-address2 { mask2 |
mask-length2 } | longer ] | longer ]
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Parameter ip-address1, ip-address2: Destination IP address, in dotted decimal notation.
ip-address1 and ip-address2 together determine an address range for the FIB
entries to be displayed.
mask1, mask2: IP address mask.
mask-length1, mask-length2: Length of IP address mask.
longer: Displays FIB entries that match the specified address/mask and have
masks longer than or equal to the mask that a user enters. If no masks are
specified, FIB entries that match the natural network address and have the masks
longer than or equal to the natural mask will be displayed.
Description Use the
display fib ip-address command to display FIB entries that match the
specified destination IP address.
Example # Display the FIB entries that match the natural network of and have the
masks longer than or equal to the natural mask.
<Sysname> display fib longer
Route Entry Count: 2
U:Useable G:Gateway H:Host B:Blackhole D:Dynamic S:Static
R:Reject L:Generated by ARP or ESIS
Destination/Mask Nexthop Flag TimeStamp Interface Token U t[1141140133] Eth1/0 invalid HU t[1141140133] InLoop0 invalid
For description about the above output, refer to Table 156.
display fib statistics
Syntax display fib statistics
View Any view
Parameter None