display vlan
Syntax display vlan [ vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] | all | dynamic | interface interface-type
interface-number.subnumber | reserved | static]
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Parameter vlan-id1: Displays the information of a VLAN specified by VLAN ID in the range of
1 to 4,094.
vlan-id1 to vlan-id2: Displays the information of a range of VLANs specified by a
VLAN ID range.
all: Displays all current VLAN information except for the reserved VLAN.
dynamic: Displays the information of dynamically VLANs
interface interface-type interface-number.subnumber: Displays VLAN information
on a specified sub-interface. The interface-type interface-number.subnumber
parameters specify the interface type and interface number, in which
interface-number is the main interface number whereas subnumber is the
sub-interface number, ranging from 1 to 4,094.
reserved: Displays information of the reserved VLANs. Protocol modules
determine reserved VLANs according to function implementation, and reserved
VLANs serve protocol modules. Reserved VLANs cannot be modified.
static: Displays static VLAN information.
Description Use the
display vlan command to display VLAN information.
Related command: vlan.
Example # Display VLAN 2 information.
<Sysname> display vlan 2
VLAN Type: static
Route interface: not configured
Description: VLAN 0002
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Tagged Ports: none
Untagged Ports:
Ethernet1/1 Ethernet1/2 Ethernet1/3
# Display VLAN 3 information.
<Sysname> display vlan 3
VLAN Type: static
Route Interface: configured
IP Address:
Subnet Mask: