async mode
Syntax async mode { flow | protocol }
undo async mode
View Asynchronous serial interface view, AUX interface view, AM interface view
Parameter flow: Flow mode, also known as interactive mode. In this mode, the two ends
interact attempting to set up a link after the physical link is set up. During this
process, the calling party sends configuration commands to the called party (this is
equal to the operation of manually inputting configuration commands at the
remote end), sets the link layer protocol operating parameters of the called party,
and then sets up the link. This approach normally applies to man-machine
protocol: Protocol mode. In this mode, the interface uses configured link layer
protocol parameters to set up link with the remote end after its physical link is set
Description Use the
async mode command to set the operating mode of the current
Use the
undo async mode command to restore the default.
By default, an asynchronous serial interface operates in protocol mode and an
AUX interface operates in flow mode.
You can configure PPP when the asynchronous serial interface is working in flow
mode, but the configuration does not take effect. The PPP configuration takes
effect only after you change the operating mode of the interface to protocol.
Example # Set asynchronous serial interface 1/0 to operate in flow mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface async 1/0
[Sysname-async1/0] async mode flow
Syntax baudrate baudrate