undo ppp chap user
View Interface view
Parameter username: Username of CHAP authentication, a string of 1 to 80 characters,
which is the one sent to the peer device to be authenticated.
Description Use the
ppp chap user command to configure the user name when performing
CHAP authentication.
Use the
undo ppp chap user command to delete the existing configuration.
By default, the user name of the CHAP authentication is blank.
While configuring CHAP authentication, you should configure the username of
both ends as the local-user of its peer, and configure the password accordingly.
Related command: ppp authentication-mode.
Example # On interface Serial 1/0, configure the local username as Root when performing
CHAP authentication
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] ppp chap user Root
ppp ipcp dns
Syntax ppp ipcp dns primary-dns-address [ secondary-dns-address ]
undo ppp ipcp dns primary-dns-address [ secondary-dns-address ]
View Interface view
Parameter primary-dns-address: IP address of the primary DNS server.
secondary-dns-address: IP address of the secondary DNS server.
Description Use the
ppp ipcp dns command to set the device to allocate DNS server address
for the peer.
Use the
undo ppp ipcp dns command to disable the device to allocate DNS
server address for the peer.
By default, the device does not allocate DNS server addresses for its peer.
When connected using PPP, a device can assign a DNS server address to its peer
after negotiation (usually based on the request of the peer), allowing the peer to
access the network directly using domain name.