Note that:
■ Layer 2 Ethernet ports, Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces, POS interfaces, and CPOS
interfaces can all be source mirroring ports of local port mirroring groups.
■ When you use the undo mirroring-group mirroring-port command to
remove source ports from a port mirroring group, make sure the
both/inbound/outbound keyword specified matches the actual packet
direction of the ports.
Example # Add port Ethernet1/1 through Ethernet1/23 to port mirroring group 1 as source
ports (assuming that port mirroring group 1 already exists).
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port ethernet 1/1 to ethernet 1/23 both
[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port pos 5/1 to pos 5/4 both
[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port cpos 6/1 to cpos 6/4 both
# Remove port Ethernet1/1 through Ethernet1/10 from port mirroring group 1.
[Sysname] undo mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port ethernet 1/1 to ethe
rnet 1/10 both
[Sysname] undo mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port pos 5/1 to pos 5/2 both
[Sysname] undo mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port cpos 6/1 to cpos 6/2 both
mirroring-group monitor-port
Syntax mirroring-group groupid monitor-port monitor-port-id
undo mirroring-group groupid monitor-port monitor-port-id
View System view
Parameter groupid: Port mirroring group number. The value range is 1 to 5 for MSR 20 and
BSR 30 series routers and 1 to 10 for MSR 50 series routers.
monitor-port-id: Port index, in the form of interface-type interface-number.
Description Use the
mirroring-group monitor-port command to add a port to a port
mirroring group as the destination port.
Use the
undo mirroring-group monitor-port command to remove the
destination port from a port mirroring group.
Note that:
■ A port mirroring group can contain only one destination port.
■ Before add the destination port for a port mirroring group, make sure the port
mirroring group exists.