syn-received: SYN_RECEIVED state of a TCP connection.
connected-number number: Maximum number of TCP connections in a certain
state. The argument number is in the range of 0 to 500.
Description Use the
tcp state command to configure the maximum number of TCP
connections in a state. When this number is exceeded, the aging of TCP
connections in this state will be accelerated.
Use the
undo tcp state command to restore the default.
By default, the maximum number of TCP connections in each state is 5.
Note the following points:
■ You need to enable the protection against Naptha attack before executing this
command. Otherwise, an error will be prompted.
■ You can respectively configure the maximum number of TCP connections in
each state.
■ If the maximum number of TCP connections in a state is 0, the aging of TCP
connections in this state will not be accelerated.
Related command: tcp anti-naptha enable.
This support for this command varies with devices.
Example # Set the maximum number of TCP connections in the ESTABLISHED state to 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] tcp anti-naptha enable
[Sysname] tcp state established connection-number 100
tcp syn-cookie enable
Syntax tcp syn-cookie enable
undo tcp syn-cookie enable
View System view
Parameter None
Description Use the
tcp syn-cookie enable command to enable the SYN Cookie feature to
protect the device against SYN Flood attacks.
Use the
undo tcp syn-cookie enable command to disable the SYN Cookie
By default, the SYN Cookie feature is disabled.