<Sysname> debugging lacp state interface ethernet 1/2 rx
*0.1360830 Sysname LAGG/8/FSM:
Port Ethernet1/2: FSM Rx transfers from state RESERVE to state INITIALIZE
by the stimulation Begin_True
// RX state machine was initiated and then transited to the INITIALIZE state. The
event that triggered the transition was the startup of the state machine
*0.1360830 Sysname LAGG/8/FSM:
Port Ethernet1/2: FSM Rx transfers from state INITIALIZE to state PORT_DISABLED
by the stimulation UCT
// RX state machine transited from the INITIALIZE state to the PORT_DISABLED
state unconditionally (identified by UCT).
*0.1360830 Sysname LAGG/8/FSM:
Port Ethernet1/2: FSM Rx transfers from state PORT_DISABLED to stat
e EXPIRED by the stimulation Lacp_Enabled
// RX state machine transited from the PORT_DISABLED state to the EXPIRED state.
The event that triggered the transition was the enabling of LACP (Lacp_Enabled).
*0.1360862 Sysname LAGG/8/FSM:
Port Ethernet1/2: FSM Rx transfers from state EXPIRED to state CURRENT
by the stimulation Pdu_Indicate
// RX state machine transited from the EXPIRED state to the CURRENT state
(normal running state). The event that triggered the transition was the reception
of the protocol packets from the peer (Pdu_Indicate).
debugging link-aggregation error
Syntax debugging link-aggregation error
undo debugging link-aggregation error
View User view
Default Level 1: Monitor level
Parameters None
Description Use the
debugging link-aggregation error command to enable debugging
for link aggregation errors.
Use the
undo debugging link-aggregation error command to disable
debugging for link aggregation errors.
By default, debugging for link aggregation errors is disabled.