display stp tc
Syntax display stp [ instance instance-id ] tc
View Any view
Parameters instance instance-id: Displays the statistics of TC BPDUs (also known as TCN
BPDUs) received and sent by all ports in a particular spanning tree instance. The
minimum value of instance-id is 0, representing the common internal spanning
tree (CIST), and the maximum value of instance-id depends on the specific device
Description Use the
display stp tc command to view the statistics of TC BPDUs received and
Note that:
■ If you do not specify a spanning tree instance ID, this command will display the
statistics of TC BPDUs received and sent by all ports in all spanning trees. The
displayed information is sequenced by instance ID and by port name in each
spanning tree instance.
■ If you specify a spanning tree instance ID, this command will display the
statistics of TC BPDUs received and sent by all ports in the specified spanning
tree instance, in port name order.
Examples # View the statistics of TC BPDUs received and sent by all ports on the card on slot
1 in MSTP instance 0.
<Sysname> display stp instance 0 tc slot 1
-------------- STP slot 1 TC or TCN count -------------
MSTID Port Receive Send
0 Ethernet1/1 6 4
0 Ethernet1/2 0 2
Root Port Root port name (displayed only if a port of the current device is
the root port of multiple instances)
Table 108 Description on the fields of the display stp root command
Field Description
Table 109 Description on the fields of the display stp tc command
Field Description
MSTID MSTP instance ID in the MST region
Port Port name
Receive Number of TC BPDUs received on each port
Send Number of TC BPDUs received by each port