bestroute compare-med (BGP/BGP-VPN instance view)
Syntax bestroute compare-med
undo bestroute compare-med
View BGP view/BGP-VPN instance view
Parameters None
Description Use the
bestroute compare-med command to enable the comparison of the
MED for paths from each AS.
Use the
undo bestroute compare-med command to disable this comparison.
This comparison is not enabled by default.
Examples # In BGP view, enable the comparison of MEDs for paths from each AS when
selecting the best route.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] bestroute compare-med
# In BGP-VPN instance view, enable the comparison of MED for paths from each
AS when selecting the best route. (The VPN has been created).
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn1
[Sysname-bgp-vpn1] bestroute compare-med
bestroute med-confederation (BGP/BGP-VPN instance view)
Syntax bestroute med-confederation
undo bestroute med-confederation
View BGP view/BGP-VPN instance view
Parameters None
Description Use the
bestroute med-confederation command to enable the comparison of
the MED for paths from confederation peers to select the optimal route.
Use the
undo bestroute med-confederation command to disable the
The comparison is not enabled by default.