bridge aging-time
Syntax bridge aging-time seconds
undo bridge aging-time
View System view
Parameters seconds: Aging time of dynamic bridge table entries, in seconds, with an effective
range of 10 to 1000000.
Description Use the
bridge aging-time command to configure the aging time of dynamic
bridge table entries.
Use the
undo bridge aging-time command to restore the default setting.
By default, the aging time of dynamic bridge table entries is 300 seconds.
Example # Set the aging time of dynamic bridge table entries to 500 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bridge aging-time 500
bridge bridge-set enable
Syntax bridge bridge-set enable
undo bridge bridge-set enable
View System view
Parameters bridge-set: Bridge set number, an integer in the range of 1 to 255.
Description Use the
bridge bridge-set enable command to enable a bridge set.
Use the
undo bridge bridge-set enable command to remove a bridge set.
■ Before you can enable the bridge set feature, you need to enable bridging first.
■ Other related configurations can take effect only if the bridging and bridge set
features are enabled. This command is required for bridge configuration.