m-node: Mixed node, a combination of a b-node first and p-node second. An
m-node client broadcasts the destination name, if there is no response, and then
unicasts the destination name to the WINS server to get the mapping.
h-node: Hybrid node, a combination of a p-node first and b-node second. An
h-node is a p-node with the peer-to-peer communication mechanism. An h-node
client unicasts the destination name to the WINS server, if there is no response,
and then broadcasts it to get the mapping from the destination.
Description Use the
netbios-type command to specify the client NetBIOS node type in a
DHCP address pool.
Use the
undo netbios-type command to remove the client NetBIOS node type
from a DHCP address pool.
No NetBIOS node type is specified by default.
Related command: dhcp server ip-pool and nbns-list.
Example # Specify the NetBIOS node type as b-node in DHCP address pool 0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dhcp server ip-pool 0
[Sysname-dhcp-pool-0] netbios-type b-node
Syntax network ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ]
undo network
View DHCP address pool view
Parameter ip-address: IP address range for dynamic allocation. If no mask length and mask is
specified, the natural mask will be used.
mask-length: Mask length, in the range of 1 to 30.
mask mask: Specifies the IP address network mask, in dotted decimal notation.
Description Use the
network command to specify the IP address range for dynamic allocation
in a DHCP address pool.
Use the
undo network command to remove the specified address range.
No IP address range is specified by default.
Note that you can specify only one network segment for each DHCP global
address pool. If you use the network command repeatedly, the latest
configuration will overwrite the previous one.