0 eth2, 0 snap,
0 dlsw, 0 other,
0 vlan;
Send way:
0 broadcast, 0 fast, 0 other
0 by import state,
0 for local frame ,
0 by mac table,
0 by import filter,
0 by outport filter,
0 by ip filter ,
0 other
display interface bridge-template
Syntax display interface bridge-template [ interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter interface-number: Specifies an bridge-template interface.
Description Use the
display interface bridge-template command to display the statistics
information of a bridge-template interface.
Example # Display the statistics information of bridge-template 1.
Table 92 Description on the fields of the display bridge traffic command
Field Description
Input Indicates what kinds of and how many frames were received on
this interface. “10 total, 1 bpdu, 2 single,” means that totally 10
frames were received on this interface, including one BPDU and
two unicast packets
Output Indicates what kinds of and how many frames were sent out on
this interface
Send way Indicates how frames were sent
Discard Indicates why and how many frames were discarded
0 by import state The number of frames discarded due to abnormal inbound
interface state
0 for local frame The number of frames discarded because the source address and
destination address map to the same interface
0 by mac table The number of frames discarded due to denied entries configured
in the bridge table
0 by import filter The number of frames discarded due to the filtering rules
configured on the inbound interfaces
0 by outport filter The number of frames discarded due to the filtering rules
configured on the outbound interfaces
0 by ip filter The number of frames discarded due to the filtering rules
configured at the IP layer
0 other The number of frames discarded due to other reasons