display fr iphc
Syntax display fr iphc [ interface interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and
number. It can only be a main interface.
Description Use the
display fr iphc command to display statistics about frame relay FRF.20
compression for the specified or all interfaces.
Related command: fr compression iphc.
Example # Display statistics about frame relay FRF.20 (FRF.20 IPHC) compression.
<Sysname> display fr iphc
Serial2/0 -DLCI:100
RTP header compression information:
Total packets: 0 , Packets compressed: 0
Link searches: 0 , Search missed : 0
Bytes saved : 0 , Bytes sent : 0
Total packets: 0 , Packets compressed: 0
Errors : 0
Compression-connections: 16 , Decompression-connections: 16
Information of TCP header compression:
Table 43 Description on the fields of the display fr lmi-info command
Field Description
Frame relay LMI statistics for interface
Serial2/1 (DTE, Q933)
Terminal type and LMI protocol type for the frame
relay interface
T391DTE = 10 (hold timer 10) DTE-side T.391 setting
N391DTE = 6, N392DTE = 3, N393DTE =
DTE-side N.391, N.392, and N.393 settings
out status enquiry = 96, in status = 85 Number of the state enquiry packets sent out
through the interface and that of the state enquiry
packets received through the interface
status timeout = 3, discarded messages =
Number of the state packets that are timed out
and that of the discarded packets
Frame relay LMI statistics for interface
Serial2/0 (DCE, Q933)
Serial2/0 (a frame relay interface) is a DCE interface
conformed with the standard described in Q.933
appendix A
T392DCE = 15, N392DCE = 3, N393DCE
= 4
The T392, N392, and N393 parameters of the DCE
in status enquiry = 0, out status = 0 Number of the status packets received through the
interface and that of the status packets sent out
through the interface
status enquiry timeout = 0, discarded
messages = 0
Number of the state packets that are timed out
and that of the discarded packets