mapping table and the same MSTP revision level setting. A device will not be in a
different region if it is different in any of these three settings. You can view all the
MST region-related configuration information by using this command and
determine the MST region the device is currently in, or check whether the MST
region configuration is correct.
Related commands: instance, region-name, revision-level, vlan-mapping modulo, and active
Examples # View all the configuration information of the MST region
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp region-configuration
[Sysname-mst-region] check region-configuration
Admin Configuration
Format selector :0
Region name :00b010000001
Revision level :0
Instance Vlans Mapped
0 1 to 9, 11 to 4094
15 10
display stp
Syntax display stp [ instance instance-id ] [ interface interface-list ] [ brief ]
View Any view
Parameters instance instance-id: Displays the spanning tree information of a particular MST
instance. The minimum value of instance-id is 0, representing the common
internal spanning tree (CIST), and the maximum value of instance-id is 15.
interface interface-list: Displays the spanning tree information on one or multiple
ports. You can provide up to 10 port lists, by each of which you can specify an
individual port in the form of interface-type interface-number, or a port range in
the form of interface-type start-interface-number to interface-type
end-interface-number, where the end port number must be greater than the start
port number.
brief: Displays brief information.
Description Use the
display stp command to view the MSTP status information and statistics
Table 102 Description on the fields of the check region-configuration command
Field Description
Format selector Configuration format selector of the MST region
Region name MST region name
Revision level Revision level of the MST region
Instance Vlans Mapped VLAN-to-instance mappings in the MST region