undo fe1 loopback
View E1-F interface view
Parameter local: Sets the interface in internal loopback mode.
payload: Sets the interface in external payload loopback mode.
remote: Sets the interface in external loopback mode.
Description Use the
fe1 loopback command to set the E1-F interface in a loopback mode.
Use the
undo fe1 loopback command to restore the default.
By default, loopback is disabled.
Loopback is intended for checking the condition of interfaces or cables. Disable it
The three loopback modes cannot be used at the same time on an E1-F interface.
Example # Set interface Serial 2/0 in internal loopback mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] fe1 loopback local
fe1 timeslot-list
Syntax fe1 timeslot-list list
undo fe1 timeslot-list
View E1-F interface view
Parameter list: Specifies timeslots to be bundled. They are numbered 1 through 31. You may
specify a single timeslot by specifying its number, a range of timeslots by
specifying a range in the form of number1-number2, or several discrete timeslots
by specifying number1, number2-number3.
Description Use the
fe1 timeslot-list command to bundle timeslots on the E1-F interface.
Use the undo fe1 timeslot-list command to restore the default.
By default, all the timeslots on the E1-F interface are bundled to form a 1984 kbps
Timeslot bundling results in interface rate change. For example, after you bundle
timeslots 1 through 10 on the interface, the interface rate becomes 10 × 64 kbps.