You may view the state and result of the BERT test with the display controller t1
Example # Run a 10-minute 2^20 BERT test on CT1/PRI interface t1 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller t1 2/0
[Sysname-T1 2/0] bert pattern 2^20 time 10
cable (CT1/PRI interface view)
Syntax cable { long { 0db | -7.5db | -15db | -22.5db } | short { 133ft | 266ft | 399ft | 533ft |
655ft }}
undo cable
View CT1/PRI interface view
Parameter long: Matches 199.6-meter (655-feet) and longer cable length. The options for
this parameter include 0db, -7.5db, -15db and -22.5db. The attenuation
parameter is selected depending on the signal quality received at the receiving
end. In this case, no external CSU is needed.
short: Matches a cable length shorter than 199.6 meters (655 feet). The options
for this parameter include 133ft, 266ft, 399ft, 533ft and 655ft. The length
parameter is selected depending on the actual transmission distance.
Description Use the
cable command to set the cable attenuation and length on the CT1/PRI
Use the
undo cable command to restore the default, that is, long 0db.
You may use this command to adapt signal waveform to different transmission
conditions such as the quality of the signal received by the receiver. If the signal
quality is good, you can use the default setting. In this case, the CT1/PRI interface
does not need an external CSU device.
Example # Set the cable length to 40.5 meter (133 feet) on CT1/PRI interface T1 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller t1 2/0
[Sysname-T1 2/0] cable short 133ft
channel-set (CT1/PRI interface view)
Syntax channel-set set-number timeslot-list list [ speed { 56k | 64k }]
undo channel-set [ set-number ]
View CT1/PRI interface view