Syntax link-protocol { fr [ nonstandard | ietf | mfr interface-number | nonstandard ] | hdlc |
ppp }
View POS interface view
Parameter fr: Specifies Frame Relay as the link layer protocol of the interface.
ietf: Adopts the IETF encapsulation format. This is the default.
mfr interface-number: MFR interface or subinterface number. The specified
interface must be one that already exists.
nonstandard: Adopts non-standard compatible encapsulation format.
hdlc: Specifies HDLC as the link layer protocol of the interface.
ppp: Specifies PPP as the link layer protocol of the interface.
Description Use the link-protocol command to set the link layer protocol of the interface.
By default, PPP is used.
Example # Specify HDLC as the link protocol of interface POS 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface pos 1/0
[Sysname-Pos1/0] link-protocol hdlc
Syntax loopback { local | remote }
undo loopback
View POS interface view
Parameter local: Internal loopback.
remote: External loopback.
Description Use the
loopback command to enable loopback for a POS interface.
Use the
undo loopback command to disable loopback.
By default, loopback is disabled.
Loopback is intended for test use. Disable it otherwise.