Parameters terminal-number: Terminal number, ranging 1 to 255.
Description Use the
reset rta statistics command to clear the statistics of a terminal.
Related command: display rta.
Example # Clear all the statistics about terminal 1.
<Sysname> reset rta statistics 1
Syntax resetkey ascii-code&<1-3>
undo resetkey
View Terminal template view
Parameters ascii-code&<1-3>: ASCII value of a hotkey, ranging 1 to 255. “&<1-3>” means
that you can provide up to three ASCII values.
Description Use the
resetkey command to set the terminal reset hotkey.
Use the undo resetkey command to cancel the configured terminal reset hotkey.
By default, no terminal reset hotkey is configured.
After you press the terminal reset hotkey when a terminal fault occurs, the router
tears down and then reestablishes the TCP connection with the FEP.
Note that the ASCII value of the redrawing hotkey configured must be different
from that of any other hotkey configured on the device. Otherwise, hotkey
conflicts will occur. For example, the hotkey value cannot be set to 17 or 19
because these two values are used for the hotkeys of flow control. Using the
hotkey may not get a response rapidly when the terminal displays too much data.
Example # Configure the terminal reset hotkey as <Ctrl+A> by setting its ASCII value to 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] resetkey 1
rta bind
Syntax rta bind { mac-address interface interface-type interface-number | string string }
undo rta bind
View System view