If the protocol argument is set to tcp or udp, you may define the parameters in
the following table.
Table 551 Match criteria and other rule information for advanced IPv6 ACL rules
Parameter Function Description
source { source
source-prefix |
source/source-prefix |
any }
Specifies a source
IPv6 address.
The source and source-prefix arguments
specify an IPv6 source address and its prefix
length in the range 1 to 128.
The any keyword indicates any IPv6 source
destination { dest
dest-prefix |
dest/dest-prefix | any }
Specifies a
destination IPv6
The dest and dest-prefix arguments specify a
destination IPv6 address, and its prefix length
in the range 1 to 128.
The any keyword indicates any IPv6
destination address.
dscp dscp Specifies a DSCP
The dscp argument can be a number in the
range 0 to 63, or in words, af11, af12, af13,
af21, af22, af23, af31, af32, af33, af41,
af42, af43, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7,
default, or ef.
logging Specifies to log
matched packets
The log provides information about ACL rule
number, whether packets are permitted or
denied, protocol that IP carries,
source/destination IPv6 address,
source/destination port number, and number
of packets.
fragment Indicates that the
rule applies only to
non-first fragments
With this keyword not provided, the rule is
effective to both non-fragments and
time-range time-name Specifies the time
range in which the
rule can take effect.
The time-name argument comprises 1 to 32
characters. It is case insensitive and must start
with an English letter. To avoid confusion, this
name cannot be all.