Data in current interval:
Line Code Violations
Far End Block Error
C-Bit Coding Violation
P-bit Coding Violation
Framing Bit Err
Severely Err Framing Secs
C-bit Err Secs
C-bit Severely Err Secs
P-bit Err Secs
P-bit Severely Err Secs
Unavailable Secs
Line Err Secs
Statistics spanning the current 15-minute interval,
coving the counts of these items:
Line code violations: BPV, or EXZ
Far-end block error
C-bit coding violation
P-bit coding violation
Framing bit error
C-bit erroneous second
C-bit severely erroneous second, that is, the second
during which 44 C-bit errors occur
P-bit erroneous second
P-bit severely erroneous second, that is, the second
during which 44 P-bit errors occur
Service unavailable second
Line erroneous second, during which LOS, BPV, EXZ,
C-bit, P-bit, and other errors occur
Data in Interval 1 Data in interval 1
Total Data (last 17 15 minute
Total data spanning the last 17 intervals
T3 2/0 CT1 1 is up State of T1 line on the CT3 interface: up or down. In
this output sample, T1 line 1 is up.
Frame-format ESF, clock slave,
loopback not set
Information about the T1 line:
Framing format-ESF or SF
Clock source-slave for the line clock and master for the
internal clock
Loopback-Local, remote, payload, or not set
FDL Performance Report is disabled Transmission of PPR in the FDL is disabled. You may
enable that with the t1 set fdl ansi command.
Transmitter is sending RAI The transmitter of the T1 line is sending RAI signals.
When the T1 line receives LOS, LOF, or AIS signals, it
sends RAI signals.
Receiver alarm state is LOF The type of alarm signal that the T1 line can receive:
Line loop back activate code using
inband signal last sent
The loopback code sent last time is in-band LLB
activation request code.
BERT state BERT test state: running, complete, or stopped (not
Test pattern
Sync Detected
Test pattern in use, 2^11 in this sample output;
synchronization state, and the number of detected
Time past
The duration of the BERT test and the time that has
Bit errors (since test started) Number of bit errors received since the start of the
BERT test
Bits received (since test started) Number of bits received since the start of the BERT test
Bit errors (since latest sync) Number of bit errors received since the last
Table 21 Description on the fields of the display controller t3 command
Field Description