Song Mode
Song Mode: The MISC Page
There are only 20 IDs available for song objects per bank in banks 100 - 900. In the zeros bank,
there are 75, IDs 1–75. In the 200s bank there are IDs 200–219, in the 300s bank, IDs 300–319, and
so on.
Object accesses some useful database functions while still in Song mode, before you actually
save the current song. Pressing Object jumps you directly to the Object Utility, described on
page 11-15. When you press Done on the Utility page, you will be returned to the “Save New
Song” dialog.
The Rename, Save, and Cancel soft buttons function the same as they do in all other editors.
Erase Track Dialog
This dialog asks you if you are sure you want to erase a specific track. The track number will
correspond to the track currently selected by the cursor position. When RecTrk is set to Multi or
None, the Erase track function looks to the cursor position to determine the track to erase. If the
cursor is positioned somewhere other than the Track or Channel parameters, Erase will have no
effect. Erasing a track will not alter the song’s End point, nor will it remove any tempo events,
since these elements are common to all tracks in the song.
Yes erases all data on the selected track and returns to the MAIN Song mode. The song will keep
the erased track record enabled, but it will be an empty track.
No aborts the erasing of the selected track and returns to the MAIN Song mode with all
previously recorded tracks intact.
Song Mode: The MISC Page
This page contains parameters that determine how the sequencer behaves during playback and
recording, and when the K2661 is connected to another MIDI sequencer. Most of these settings
are stored in the Master Object, (all except the Auto punch-in points) and none of these are
saved with the song.