Program Change Formats
value 0–99 to select a bank and entry, or a pair of PCHs, the first having a value of 100–107 to
select a different 10-bank range.
QA 0–127
Finally, there’s the QA Bank format for use with older MIDI devices (program change
commands 0–127 only). It works similarly to the other QA formats, but the allowable range of
values is limited to 0–107.
QA Formats and MIDI Transmission
If you’re in Quick Access mode and you’re using one of the QA formats for the program change
type, selecting QA banks or bank entries from the K2661 (with the alphanumeric buttonpad, the
cursor buttons, the Alpha Wheel, the Plus/Minus buttons, or the Chan/Bank buttons) also sends
corresponding program change commands to the K2661’s MIDI Out port. The nature of these
commands depends on the value of the ProgChgType parameter. The K2661 sends either an MC
0 or 32 message followed by a PCH (when ProgChgType is QA Ext), or a pair of PCHs (when
ProgChgType is QA Kurz) or a single Program Change command (when ProgChgType is QA 0–
127). The following tables give specific examples.
QA Bank
Entry From
Alphanumeric Pad
Commands Sent
MC 0 or 32 PCH
10 0 1 0
19 9 1 99
20 0 2 0
29 9 2 99
75 9 7 59
100 0 0 0
105 9 0 59
110 9 1 99
117 7 1 77
119 9 1 99
Table 10-1 QA Extended Program Change Examples
Current QA Bank Entry From Alphanumeric Pad Commands Sent
1 0 100 10
1 9 100 19
2 0 100 20
2 9 100 29
9 9 100 99
10 0 101 0
Table 10-2 QA Kurz Program Change Examples