Basic Disk Mode
The Multiple Object Selector Page
All and Type
The first two are short-cut buttons—one for selecting all objects (just like Everything mode), and
one for selecting or deselecting all objects of a particular type.
All Returns the Select parameter to Type/Range, if it was not already set that way. Sets
Type to All Types and Bank to All Banks, and also sets StartId to 0 and EndId to 999.
This is equivalent to using Everything mode. The advantage to using the All button is
that you can select all objects, but still be in Type/Range mode, where you can refine
the selection range (for example, all objects in the 400s bank, or all programs).
Type Returns the Select parameter to Type/Range, if it was not already set that way. Sets the
Bank parameter to All Banks, and also the StartId to 0 and the EndId to 999. The Type
parameter’s value matches the type of the object currently indexed from the object
list. For example, if you scrolled to a setup object then pressed Multi, pressing the
Type soft button would set up the Type parameter to Setup. This is usually used to
quickly select or deselect all objects of a particular type by scrolling to the first object
of that type, and then pressing Multi-> Type-> Set or Multi-> Type-> Clear. If you
don’t want to include all banks in the selection range, it is easy to adjust the Bank or
ID parameters to narrow the range.
Toggle, Clear, and Set
In most cases, these soft buttons select or deselect the objects in the selection range, then return
you to the previous page (the page you were on when you pressed Multi). The exception is
SearchStrg mode, in which case pressing any of these three buttons prompts you to specify the
string that determines the selection range.
Toggle For each of the objects in the specified range, toggle the selection status of the object. If
an object is not already selected, this selects it (an asterisk will appear between its ID
and name when you return to the previous page). If an object is already selected, this
deselects it (asterisk disappears).
Clear Deselects all objects in the selection range.
Set Selects all objects in the selection range.
Example: Toggle
Toggle is useful when you want to select all objects in the list except those that meet certain
conditions. For example, you may want to free up some RAM by deleting all objects that are not
being used by a song that you’re working on.
1. Go to Master mode, and press the Object soft button, then the Delete soft button. You’ll
see a list of RAM objects.
2. Highlight the song whose dependent objects you want to keep, then press Multi. The
Multiple Object Selector appears.
3. Set the value of the Select parameter to Dependents, the value of the Of parameter to
Current Item, and the value of the Specify parameter to All. This specifies that you want
to select all dependents of the highlighted song.
4. Press Set. This selects all of the song’s dependent objects, and returns you to the DELETE
page, showing the list of RAM objects. Note the asterisks between the IDs and names of
the selected objects.
5. Press Multi again, and set the value of Select to Everything (or press All).