K2661 Getting Started Guide
EDIT button 3-4
Edit button 5-8
Edit compare 5-8
Editing 5-1
editing conventions 5-1
Editors, nested 4-3
Effect Selection During Recording and Playback 12-20
Effects button 5-8
Effects bypass 5-8
Effects mode 4-4
Electrical grounding 2-2
Embedded Editors
with KDFX 9-9
Enable MIDI channels 10-8
Erase soft button
Song mode 12-30
loading objects as 13-21
Everything files 13-24
EXIT button 3-4
Extended program changes 10-10
used by or accepted by the K2600 13-7
File Index 13-8
File List Dialog 13-7
File types A-2
Everything 13-24
Loading 5-7, 13-14
Master 13-24
Saving 5-7
saving 13-24
Fill Mode 13-19
Fill soft button 13-20
Finding objects 3-7
Format 14-9
Formatting a SmartMedia Card 13-2
Formatting SCSI devices 13-4
Front panel navigation 3-2
FX Bus 9-3
FX bypass 5-8
FX Mode 9-4
FX Preset 9-3
FXCtrl 9-9
FXMode setting 9-4
FXMODs 9-4
g 13-2
Gain 14-3
General MIDI 11-13
with guitar or wind controller 11-14
Glossary entries 1-3
GM 11-13
Grounding 2-2
Guitar/Wind Controller Mode 11-14
Hard reset 11-14, A-3
from boot loader A-3
How the K2600 works 1-3
Sample mode page 14-3
Input Quantize 12-35
Insert FX Bus 9-3
Intonation key 11-4
Intonation tables 11-2, 11-3
Introduction to editing 5-1
Intuitive data entry 3-6
Jump to page 5-8
K2600 Features 1-1
K2600 Overview 1-1
KB3 programs 2-5, 6-4, 11-2
KBB file type A-2
controlling 9-17
definition 9-1
KDFX structure 9-14
using to trigger sampler 14-5
Keyboard naming 5-5
Keymaps 6-2
Keymaps (ROM), list C-3, D-3
KOS file type A-2
KSP file type A-2
Kurzweil program changes 10-10
moving between in multi-layer programs 3-7
Muting 5-8
LCD 3-2
Library 13-5
Line cord 2-2
List of ROM Keymaps C-3, D-3
List of ROM Programs C-2, D-2
List of ROM QA banks C-2, D-2
List of ROM Samples C-3, D-3
List of ROM Setups C-2, D-2
Live mode programs 2-6
Load Function Dialog 13-19
Loading Dependent Objects 13-18
Loading files 5-7, 13-14
Loading Individual Objects 13-14
Loading MIDI files 12-23
Loading Older Setup Versions 7-2
Local control 10-2
Local Keyboard Channel
with Song Mode 12-1
Lock parameters 10-9