Master Mode
The MAST2 Page
Confirmations are special displays that the K2661 shows you when you are about to alter
memory permanently. The confirmations ask if you really want to do what you’re about to do,
and give you another chance to cancel the operation you’re about to execute. With the Confirm
parameter set to Off, these prompts do not appear. You’ll still be alerted before doing something
that might cause you to lose your work, but your margin of error is slimmer with confirmations
turned off.
Intonation Key (IntonaKey)
This sets the tonic, or base note from which the currently selected intonation table calculates its
intervals. If you select G as the intonation key, for example, and the intonation table you select
tunes the minor 2nd down by 50 cents, then G
will be a quartertone flat relative to equal
intonation. If you change the intonation key to D, then D
will be a quartertone flat. If you use
nonstandard intonations, you’ll want to change the intonation key as you change the key you’re
playing in. If the Intonation parameter is set to Equal, changing IntonaKey has no effect.
You can also set the intonation key from an external MIDI device. Note On events at C -1
through B -1 (MIDI note numbers 0 through 11) will set the intonation key at C through B,
To trigger notes in the range required to set the Intonation key, you can transpose the K2661
temporarily from its front panel, or from your MIDI controller if it has the ability. Alternatively,
you could create a setup with just the lowest octave transposed down two octaves, then select it
when you want to change the Intonation key. If you’re driving your K2661 from a sequencer,
you could simply insert the appropriate note events anywhere in the sequence to change the
intonation key.
The MAST2 Page
Press the MAST2 soft button to reach the MAST2 page:
The MAST2 page enables you to perform a hard reset of your instrument (this deletes
everything in RAM, so be careful!), and to turn the vocoder feature on and off.