Basic Disk Mode
Creating Directories
Creating a Directory From the Disk Mode Page
When you press NewDir, the K2661 prompts you for the directory name:
Pressing >>End will take the cursor to the last character in the name. The Choose button allows
you to grab a filename from the current disk (see the discussion of file-name grabbing, in More
Features of the Save Dialog on page 13-26). Otherwise, the name will default to either NEWFILE
after a powerup, or the name will be that of the most recent file saved or loaded. Once you
choose a name to start with (or the default), you can edit the name using the Left and Right
cursor buttons, the Delete and Insert soft buttons, and the >>End soft button. You can also use
keyboard naming, as described on page 5-5.
After you have chosen the directory name and pressed OK, you have the choice of where (in
what directory) to put the new directory you are creating.
Pressing OK will select the default path, which is the current directory. Pressing Change will
allow you to view the disk, traversing its directories, until you find the one in which you want to
create the new directory. In this case, pressing OK creates a directory called THINGS in the root
The display shows that the K2661 has created the directory, then the Disk-mode page reappears.
Creating a Directory in the Save Dialog
As a convenience when saving files to a directory, you can press Save from the Disk-mode page
and then press NewDir in the Save dialog. You’ll get the same prompts as when you create a
directory from the Disk-mode page. When you press OK, the display shows that the K2661 has
created the directory, then the Save dialog reappears.
When you create a directory from within the Save dialog, the K2661 resets the current directory
to the directory you just created.